Monday 13 June 2011

When life gives you lemons...

I am currently doing my GCSEs and have my final exam on Thursday. Although hypothetically I have been revising for months, when it comes down to it, it's all about how much you can remember, not how clever you are or how well you understand the question. You'd think this would spur me on to get learning and remembering, but here I am, not learning about how Hitler achieved a dictatorship or why Martin Luther King is so significant, but instead finding other things to do, as well as finding out how incredibly lazy I am. But on the bright side, I am always here for anyone who needs reassuring about exam pressure!
So during this time of relaxation over this exam period, I have found a friend who has turned out to be very like me in many ways (And very not like me in many others...) This girl may claim that I copy her, but I was born first so that clearly isn't true.
 I have huge respect for this girl, and value her opinion so much! It's strange how I haven't really known her long, but I talk to her about things that I wouldn't talk to my other friends about, eg. my weight. I am quite conscious of my weight, and anyone who knows me knows I am, but I actually am quite comfortable talking about it with this friend and she makes me feel better about myself.
I love how she is so open and is not afraid to be herself instead of someone she's not, just because her friends may want her to be like that. She's one unique kid, and I love that about her! I feel like I can tell her anything and that she'll keep it to herself and be nice about it! What I love the most about talking to this friend is that she never puts me down or makes me feel little, and I can have a good laugh with her.
So, when life gives you lemons... do what the hell you want with them but enjoy yourself and live life to the full, taking advantage of every opportunity.

Day 6: 5 things I can't live without

1) My friends and family
2) My laptop (and facebook...)
3) Music
4) My phone
5) Going on Holiday

Day 5 (Late...again): Six songs that i'm addicted to

1) Stevie Wonder - Superstition
2) Stevie Wonder - Signed, Sealed, Delivered
3) Adele - Rolling in the Deep
4) Jessie J - Price Tag
5) KT Tunstall - Other side of the World
6) The Jam - Town Called Malice

Saturday 11 June 2011

My Wife and I

Many years ago, my first day of life as I know it, I was born knowing that I would be with someone for the rest of my life and this someone would take care of me and be there for me throughout everything. What I didn't know is that this special person would enter into my life at the age of 11.
Upon entering the daunting years of high school, I thought I would have to face it alone, but then, I lay eyes upon my love, my only, Martha Clowes. Martha Clowes seems like your average child, but I saw deep beneath the outside shell and saw how unique and wonderful and beautiful she was! From that moment on, we were inseparable and were like two peas in a pod, like Romeo and Juliet, like Bonnie and Clyde.
After spending four wonderful years together, we were at a friend's 16th Birthday meal at the local Carvery when we decided, we only wanted to spend the rest of our lives with each other. It was then that Martha knelt down on one knee and proposed. The ring was the most beautiful gem I'd ever seen. I even got a free carvery that night. That was one of the most memorable times of our lives.
It was September 18th 2010, the very next day, when we flew out to Bermuda, a small island situated near the South coast of America. All of our Family and dearest friends were invited to a small ceremony on the beach. Martha looked so beautiful in her suit and as I walked down the sand-isle and she looked at me, I knew this would last forever.
For the end of the ceremony, Martha and I were driven away on the back of a speed boat, across the clear blue Bermudian waters. We didn't want to miss the food and party after, so we took the boat around the island and came back to greet our friends and family for a party on the beach! We had champagne and a local Mahi-Mahi fish, freshly caught and barbequed nicely.
We have been living happily ever since, and our relationship is forever blossoming; on April 21st 2011, we peed together. It was a bonding moment for the both of us.
I feel so comfortable with Martha and  I know I have met my soul mate whom I shall stay with forever. I love you Martha.

Day 4: Seven Fears/Phobias

1) Spiders
2) Being in the dark after I've watched a scary film
3) Being tickled... hate it
4) General insects/things that fly
5) Pigeons when they're flying around in a HUGE group above my head
6) Murderers in my garden :/
7) Living my life alone

Day 3(late): Eight things that annoy you

1) Grammatical errors
2) My brother's constant need to annoy me
3) When people sing out of tune or change the key randomly!
4) Idiots
5) People telling me what to do
6) Friends treating me as if i'm stupid or putting me down to impress others
7) People who think they're right all the time and think they're better than everyone else
8) Revision!

Thursday 9 June 2011

Day 2: 9 things I do everyday

1) Sleep! (If that counts...)
2) Eat
3) Go on facebook, I think i'm addicted...
4) See my friends (usually)
5) Sing! I can NOT go a day without singing!
6) Talk to a friend via the internet ha
7) Annoy Martha (apparently :S)
8) I wash everyday :) Which should be on everyone's list of things they do everyday!
9) Skydive off a rocket over the amazon :)

Wednesday 8 June 2011

10 Day Challenge - Day 1: Ten random facts about yourself

1) I love to travel and want to travel the world before I die
2) I was born in Tamworth and had a slilght brummy accent when I was little
3) I live in Nantwich with my Mum, Brother and cat and my Parents are divorced
4) I've never been in a relationship
5) I absolutely HATE grammatical errors. "You're" is short for "you are", "your" is a possession! :@
6) I used to have 3 aupairs (not all at once) For those of you who don't know what one is - look it up
7) My lucky/favourite number is 7
8) I LOVE Music and play the piano, guitar and I sing
9) My first pets were fish and they were called Bog and Loo... classy
10) My favourite TV shows are 90210, Vampire Diaries and Doctor Who!

Friday 3 June 2011

A late night call

So, the other night, I was lying in bed and woke up the my Mum's voice outside my bedroom, saying, "Yes, can I have the police please?" Now baring in mind, this was approximately 12 o'clock at night, I started to worry.
On jumping out of bed, I opened my door to find my Mum, her shaking hands wiping a tear away from her eye, on the phone. Now my Mum doesn't cry much, she believes in staying strong for my Brother; Max and Me. She put down the phone and was anxiously peeking out the window, through a small gap between the curtains.
After asking several times what was happening, my Brother came out of his room, also questioning what was going on. My Mum replied with " I had to call the Police. Someone, a man, just called me and told me he was outside in the garden watching me through the window. He said he was coming to get me, he could see me and was coming to get me."
Now, my first reaction, like i'm sure many people's reaction was when listening to this story, was that it was a prank call, a joke, a cruel joke. But my Mum isn't stupid, and I could see the genuine fear in her eyes and the turned corners of her mouth. But who would do such a thing? This was more that a joke, it was an act of selfishness and attempt to scare.
Moments later, the Police arrived and searched the garden before knocking on the door. My Mum went downstairs and told us to stay upstairs. When she had invited the officers into the living room, Max and I waited on the stairs, intently listening to what they had to say. They were asking her all sorts of questions like "Was there any background noise?" and "Did they have an accent?" These were all pretty average, boring questions and I was about to give up and go back to bed, not hearing anything of interest at this point, until i hear "Could there be an ex husband involved?" Until this point, I didn't think of my Dad. But when it was mentioned, I knew he was capable of doing such a thing after events that have happened in the past.
Two weeks later, and I still don't know who it is, it could be my Dad; which wouldn't be clever with his history with the Police as well as the fact that it's taken him forever to get a job and he pays nothing for us as it is.
I'm not too sure how to conclude this, but I guess what I'll say is no matter what happens in life, there's always someone there for you, and for me, that one person is my Mum.